
Examples of complex #dial use-cases including attended transfer

Primary LanguageRuby

Welcome to Adhearsion

You've got a fresh app and you're almost ready to get started. Firstly, you'll need to configure your VoIP platform:


Edit extensions.conf to include the following:

exten => _.,1,AGI(agi:async)

and setup a user in manager.conf with read/write access to all.

If you are using Asterisk 1.8, you will need to add an additional context with the name adhearsion-redirect. On Asterisk 10 and above this is auto-provisioned.


  • Ensure that mod_event_socket is installed, and configure it in autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml to taste
  • Add an extension to your dialplan like so:
<extension name='Adhearsion'>
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="^10$">
    <action application='park'/>


Install the rayo-server app into PRISM 11 and follow the configuration guide.

Configure your app

In config/adhearsion.rb you'll need to set the VoIP platform you're using, along with the correct credentials. You'll find example config there, so follow the comments.

Ready, set, go!

Start your new app with "ahn start". You'll get a lovely console and should be presented with the SimonGame when you call in.

Running your app on heroku

In order to run an adhearsion application on Heroku, you must create the application on the 'cedar' stack (heroku apps:create --stack cedar) and re-scale your processes like so:

heroku ps:scale web=0
heroku ps:scale ahn=1

More detail is available in the deployment documentation.

Check out the Adhearsion website for more details of where to go from here.