
My effort to teach everything I know about computer programming.

My Tutorials for Programming and Sofhware


This repository contains my personal tutorials for teaching computer progamming and how to use certain types of software, i.e. programming tools. Right now the repository has nothing to read---sorry!---but I am currently writing tutorials. I hope you look forward to it!

If you have any suggestions for content---for example you want me to wrte about GNU Emacs Lisp, using the Meta Object Protocol, improving Python code with type hints to help create command-line applications---open an issue on the (official GitHub page)[https://github.com/ejmr/passing-on-my-knowledege]. I will try to write about any coding topic I know.


All content in this project belongs to the Public Domain. Please feel free to use any of these writings for teaching in any way.


Eric James Michael Ritz.