
System and local aliases without pain in the butt

MIT LicenseMIT


Aliases are pain.

If you want to use same alias name for different projects on the same machine it'll become even more pain.

That's why with some help from guys from pro.bash telegram chat this script was born.

In short:

  • You can now declare aliases per project basis. Just create in their root directory .aliasrc file with key=value alias. That's it!
  • You can still use global aliases, they will be reloaded if you go to some directory in console. Create .aliasrc in your user root folder (like ~/.aliasrc) and fill it with key=value aliases.

To use this script:

  1. Copy file aliasrc to your home directory.
  2. Add the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc file. This will load script every time you open the terminal.
    source ~/aliasrc
  3. Create .aliasrc file in the root folder. It can be empty, but make sure there's at least one empty line in the end of the file
  4. THAT'S IT.

NOTE: every .aliasrc file must have empty last line. It won't work without it.

Now if you want to add global alias just put it in ~/.aliasrc file, if you want to use local alias create .aliasrc in the folder where you want to use it.