
Post URL, receive PDF. Build upon node and docker. 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Post URL, receive PDF. Build upon node and docker. 🚀

How to use

This is a tiny node service, which listens only to a single route: \. The service takes an URL or HTML and a string containing options, then calls wkhtmltopdf and sends the generated PDF back to the client. Options can be send as query parameters (HTTP GET), or inside request body. Params in the body can be url- or json-encoded.


url: The url of the website to render as PDF.

html: HTML to render as PDF. Either url or html have to be set.

options: String of options forwarded to wkhtmltopdf.

Sample usage

curl "http://localhost:8080/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgoogle.com" > test.pdf

Compile and Run (without docker)

npm run compile
node compiled/index.js

Runing with docker

docker pull ejobstl/wkhtmltopdf-aas-simple
docker run -p 8080:80 ejoebstl/wkhtmltopdf-aas-simple

Security Considerations

This simple service does not do any param sanitizing. Since it spawns child processes, it's very easy to inject bad commands (such as cat /etc/shadow) and get their output. Please do not expose this service to the outside.