
Primary LanguageJava


Launching Application

  • Begin by opening the entire project in Intellij
  • Server
    • Open server/Server.java, click the little green arrow by public static void main(String[] args) and run it.
  • Client
    • Open client/Client.java, click the little green arrow by public static void main(String[] args) and run it.
  • What about testing multiple clients?
    • If you've previously ran the client main() method Intellij will populate your IDE with a run config. You should to be able to view these at the top right of your IDE, a little drop-down box to the left of a green run button.
    • Click the drop-down menu, and then Edit Configurations
    • Select the client run config and click Modify options, enable Allow multiple instances
    • You can now run multiple instances of the client