
Android game application

Primary LanguageJava


An android application developed with 3 other members in a Software Engineer class. daMatch is a game based off the board game "Spot It (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/63268/spot-it) "

Game Description:

  • Deck consists of 7 cards, each card has three images shown on it; there are a total of 7 different images across all the cards. The images are selected for each card such that any two cards share exactly one image.
  • Shuffle the deck of cards.
  • First card is placed face up on table as the start of the discard pile, rest of cards are the player's draw pile.
  • Top card in draw pile is revealed to player and the timer starts.
  • Player must find the one symbol on the top card in the draw pile matches a symbol on top card in the discard pile.
  • Once the player makes the match, the card that was on top of the draw pile is placed on the top of the discard pile face up and the next card is revealed in the draw pile.
  • Play continues until the player has no remaining cards, at which point the timer is stopped.


  • Changing difficulty modes (Easy, Normal, Hard).
  • Different draw pile size, card order, game mode.
  • Variety of image themes (sport, food, device images, and Flickr).
  • The ability to search Flickr and choose pictures to use for the game.
  • Adding images from the device storage to use in-game.
  • Leaderboard to keep track of high scores (Saves progress).