
Clojure Echo SDK

Primary LanguageClojure


Clojars Project

A minimalist SDK for setting up a handler for implementing an Echo application server.

Follows the example of the Java SDK by requiring methods for handling each request type.


This SDK is designed to be placed in between a web server (such as Ring) and your application, providing simple intent routing (not to be confused with URL routing), as well as response convenience methods.

To use the SDK, create a map that specifies your handlers. There are currently three supported keys:

requests The requests field specifies a map of string request-name to function. The function should take a single echo request, and return an echo response. This is a good reference for the return types.

intents Identical to the requests map in function, except using intent-name for the key.

Then, get a dispatcher function by passing the spec to request-dispatcher (also in echo/core). The dispatcher wraps your map with a handler that will route requests to your request handlers, using the request type as the key. IntentRequest, however, will be routed to your intent handlers, using the name of the intent.

This dispatcher expects to receive an EchoRequest structured map (NOT a json string). Your server or middleware should handle deserializing that before you pass it to the dispatcher.

The echo/response namespace has convenience functions for creating responses, the primary function being respond.

For help/an example, try using the echo-chamber-template

Future enhancements

  • Lifecycle and data management. Right now, my sample app just manages its state within namespace. We'd like to at least be able to operate in a component-like manner.
  • Spec integration. Since spec has no plans to support stringly-keyed maps, we'd likely need to implement a layer between the handler and whatever server serves the app to convert map keys between symbols and keys.
  • More response types. I've only added convenience methods as I need them, and honestly, there's probably a cleaner way of specifying responses than I have. Open to feedback/experimentation here.
  • A REPL-driven test workflow. Lots of online skill testers exist, but it would be even better if we could interact with our app in the REPL, and at runtime.