One script to automatically generate NSClient-compatible performance counters in Nagios, one to read them
The final product of these scripts is a file with auto-generated Nagios/Icinga services. Those services will call a Python script that will contact the Hyper-V host to retrieve counter data.
You need to bring:
- A functional Nagios, Icinga, or compatible environment
- check_nrpe on the above
- A plug-in for the above that can process performance data, such as PNP4Nagios
- A Python environment on the above
- A functional Hyper-V host with one or more running virtual machines
- Access to that host Hyper-V host with PowerShell
- NSClient installed on that Hyper-V host, reachable by the Nagios/Icinga/compatible environment
This section explains why you can't just use the normal performance counter reading tools and how the Python script solves them
- If the target VM is off, no counter data will be generated (counter won't even exist); the script substitutes empty data
- If the target VM is clustered, the script will chase down the owning node and retrieve counter data from it
Read the help data for it.
Make these changes to nsclient.ini:
allow nasty characters = 1
CheckCounter = 1
CheckWMI = 1
The automatically generated services list will attempt to use a Nagios command named "check-hypervmperf". How you implement that command depends on if you are using a secure or insecure channel to NSClient.
# Retrieves performance information for Hyper-V virtual machines
# HOSTADDRESS: always attach to the cluster or host that owns the virtual machine
# ARG1: the host or cluster that owns the virtual machine
# ARG2: the name of the virtual machine. for clustered VMs, the cluster resource must end in the same
# ARG3: the counter to retrieve. works with any counter on the host, but VMs are intended. ex: "\\Hyper-V Dynamic Memory VM(VMNAME)\\Physical Memory"
# ARG4: additional optional arguments to pass to check_hypervmperf
## -l # treat VM as clustered; find actual current host
## -W value # warn level for counter
## -C value # critical level for counter
## -m # when specified, values from -W and -C will be treated as lower bounds instead of upper (min instead of max)
define command{
command_name check-hypervmperf
command_line $USER1$/check_hypervmperf -H $ARG1$ -N $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Treat this as an example only. You will need to supply your own certificate paths and names.
# Retrieves performance information for Hyper-V virtual machines
# HOSTADDRESS: always attach to the cluster or host that owns the virtual machine
# ARG1: the host or cluster that owns the virtual machine
# ARG2: the name of the virtual machine. for clustered VMs, the cluster resource must end in the same
# ARG3: the counter to retrieve. works with any counter on the host, but VMs are intended. ex: "\\Hyper-V Dynamic Memory VM(VMNAME)\\Physical Memory"
# ARG4: additional optional arguments to pass to check_hypervmperf
## -l # treat VM as clustered; find actual current host
## -W value # warn level for counter
## -R value # critical level for counter
## -m # when specified, values from -W and -C will be treated as lower bounds instead of upper (min instead of max)
define command{
command_name check-hypervmperf
command_line $USER1$/check_hypervmperf -t 30 -p 5666 -A /var/ca/ca_cert.pem -C /var/certs/check_nrpe.pem -K /var/certs/check_nrpe.key -H $ARG1$ -N $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Configuration mismatches will cause perfectly logical output from this script to fail spectacularly. For instance, if you do not properly attach the service or host name to a valid parent, it might attach to something like "generic-host", causing all sorts of duplicate service warnings. Carefully think through and build out the template hierarchy to use for your VM performance counters before running this script. Connecting a Hyper-V host to its services can be done in multiple perfectly valid ways. Here is a suggestion:
## Virtual Machine object ##
define host{
name hyperv-vm
use perf-host,generic-host
contact_groups admins
check_command check-vm-null
max_check_attempts 1
register 0
define command{
command_name check-vm-null
command_line $USER1$/check_dummy 0
define servicegroup{
servicegroup_name hyperv-vm-perf-services
alias Hyper-V VM Performance Metrics
define service{
name hyperv-vm-performance
servicegroups hyperv-vm-perf-services
use perf-service,generic-service
contact_groups admins
notification_period none
register 0
Instruct the script to use the above host and service names as templates, and you should avoid collisions.