This is a simple project to migrate Trello cards to Todoist tasks:
- Trello lists become Todoist projects.
- Card names become task names
- Card description and url attachments become task notes
I used requests and pika (RabbitMQ library for Python) to handle this transition.
First of all:
- Get a Trello API KEY and API TOKEN and set them on
- Get a Todoist API KEY and set in
- Start a RabbitMQ (if you use docker it could be something like
docker run -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq
Now, if you run
if will prompt what lists do you want to migrate.
Each card will be sent as a message to RabbitMQ.
When you run
it will handle all messages sent from
Some issues:
- If there is a problem creating the project, it will create cards in Inbox.
- If any message fails, it will be
in RabbitMQ
should be restarted to reprocess this message - In the previous scenarion, the message will, probably, be sent to Inbox
- It waits 5s to process each message because Todoist was blocking the requests