
Implementation of a consensus protocol that tolerates participant failures. This is part of a coursework assignment for Distributed Systems and Networks module (University of Southampton)

Primary LanguageJava

Consensus protocol - A Series of Indicative Votes

The aim of this assignment was to implement a consensus protocol that tolerates participant failures. The protocol involves two types of processes: a coordinator, whose role is to initiate a run of the consensus algorithm and collect the outcome of the vote; and a participant, which contributes a vote and communicates with the other participants to agree on an outcome. The application should handle 1 coordinator process and N participant processes, out of which any number of participants may fail during the run of the consensus algorithm. The actual consensus algorithm is run among the participant processes, with the coordinator only collecting outcomes from the participants.

A more detailed description of the assignment can be found here.

Mark: 83%


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Coulouris, Dollimore and Kindberg, Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design, 5th edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.