
Skeleton front-end project built on top of Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Set up new project

  1. Create new directory for your new project. Run (replace my-app with any name):
    mkdir my-app && cd my-app
  2. Clone this repo. Run:
    git clone git@github.com:ekabolotina/skeleton-front-end.git .
  3. Make sure you have Node.js (^14.15.0) and Yarn (^1.16.0) installed.
  4. Install the dependencies. Run:
  5. Set up your new project using CLI. Run and follow the instructions:
    yarn plop


  1. Install the dependencies. Run:
  2. Set up environment variables. See list of pre-configured environment variables bellow. Run:
    yarn configure
  3. Start the development server (see additional info about this feature). Run:
    yarn dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


  1. Install the dependencies. Run:
  2. Make the production build. Run:
    yarn build
  3. Start server (see additional info about this feature). Run:
    yarn start

Pre-configured environment variables

  1. NEXT_STATIC_API_BASE_URL — useful for configuring base URL for any API calls.
  2. NEXT_STATIC_ASSETS_VERSION — version of public assets. Can be used to reset browser cache of any assets.
  3. NEXT_STATIC_SLACK_API_TOKEN and NEXT_STATIC_SLACK_API_CHANNEL — used to log errors to any Slack channel using Slack APIs.