- 0
[ BUG ] CDATA cannot be used for `loc` tag
#445 opened by sneko - 2
[question] large sitemap, check last sitemap item and continue generate next file only?
#411 opened by kien-pham - 10
- 1
[Feature] Keep a record of the parent node
#398 opened by ideiasfrescas - 3
- 2
[Feature] Specify lastmod attribute per url link
#409 opened by Thomas-1985 - 2
- 0
- 4
Process crash while `SitemapAndIndexStream` without any map item providered
#392 opened by tianyingchun - 0
[Feature] Publish `typedoc` docs
#430 opened by huntharo - 0
[ BUG ] `SitemapAndIndexStream` hangs on end if `SitemapStream` encountered error writing to its destination
#423 opened by huntharo - 2
[ BUG ] Cannot set property IndexTagNames of #<Object> which has only a getter
#414 opened by arobase-che - 0
[ BUG ] Examples / docs with sequential `write` without a callback are not ideal
#428 opened by huntharo - 2
- 3
[question] How to allow empty sitemap?
#421 opened by Sammaye - 1
Allow creating empty sitemap
#394 opened by haegemonia76 - 0
[question] How to append urls to existing xml?
#420 opened by evoytenkoapps - 5
index with multiple categorized sitemaps
#408 opened by tasiotas - 4
- 3
[question] How do we render the streamToPromise buffer response for storage in a Cache?
#402 opened by Routhinator - 0
- 0
[Feature] cdn for sitemap?
#400 opened by codehangen - 0
add <mobile:mobile type="pc,mobile"/>
#401 opened by Ryan2018-js - 0
- 1
[question] Readable sitemap
#387 opened by jbaubree - 0
- 0
[Feature] XSLT nonce
#390 opened by hasandogu - 1
[question] not able to generate sitemap-index.xml in production server run by nginix
#365 opened by praneeth34 - 1
Exit Code on Failed Validation
#378 opened by HeyITGuyFixIt - 1
- 1
[question] Am i using the `links` attribute correctly
#383 opened by nikoyee - 2
[question] Creating/overwriting sitemap file
#351 opened by puz1ngg1 - 0
[ BUG ] Obsolete examples in the documentation
#363 opened by coolswood - 3
[ BUG ] generated sitemaps are truncated
#362 opened by omar-dulaimi - 2
[Feature] Allow relative path to XSL file
#367 opened by boazpoolman - 1
- 0
Generating dynamic/server-side sitemaps is not working after deploy in vercel
#377 opened by Ahsan-Ullah1871 - 3
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 0
- 1
- 6
[ BUG ] Incorrect sitemap path in sitemap index
#359 opened by moonmeister - 1
[ BUG ] The dest file created by SitemapIndexStream not works on Google Search Console
#352 opened by JerroldLee - 1
- 1
[question] How to add last modified date to all sitemaps within a sitemapIndex generated using sitemapAndIndexStream. ?
#354 opened by arjit-webonise - 1
[question] How to remove trailing slash for base root sitemap in sitemapStream?
#345 opened by isggwp - 1
[Feature] replace console logs with logger
#348 opened by marcoreni - 2