
Set of custom elements for Eagle CAD

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Library of parts for Eagle CAD

  • FGPMMOPA6C.lbr - MTK3339 based GPS module with built-in patch antenna
  • LED.lbr - LED modules
    • CPD-15088 YGD2/A - 8x8 Green LED matrix, common cathode
    • CPD-23011 - 7 Segment Green LED
    • ORM-2088-RGB-5 - 8x8 RGB LED matrix, common anode
  • LP2985.lbr - LP2985-N Voltage regulator
  • PCM2705.lbr - PCM2705 Audio DAC
  • PLL.lbr - 1.27 PLL connectors
  • TP4056.lbr - TP4056 LiPol battery charger
  • adxl345.lbr - ADXL345 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer
  • bc417.lbr - HC-05 Bluetooth module
  • bmp085.lbr - Bosh BMP085 Air pressure sensor
  • cc2540.lbr - Mini CC2450 Bluetooth module
  • ds1307.lbr - DS1307 Realtime Clock
  • KCSx02.lbr - KCSx02 7-Segment LED SMD modules