
Simple helpers to make using sdoc easier.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Some Rake tasks and hacks to let me easily generate documentation like that found at http://defunkt.github.com/mustache/.

After installing it, put this in your Rakefile:

  require 'sdoc_helpers'
rescue LoadError
  puts "sdoc support not enabled. Please gem install sdoc-helpers."

Now (with a clean index) run rake pages:init to create and publish your gh-pages branch.

It'll drop you back on master when it's done. Now in the future just run rake pages to publish sdoc documentation to your gh-pages branch.

Make sure you don't already have a docs/ directory. If you do, this won't work.

If you README (or any files) end in md or markdown they'll get parsed by RDiscount and displayed as Markdown. This gives you a nicely formatted README on GitHub as well as in your sdoc.



  • rdiscount
  • sdoc


gem install sdoc-helpers


Chris Wanstrath // chris@ozmm.org