
WebAuthn ruby server library ― Make your Ruby/Rails web server become a conformant WebAuthn Relying Party

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



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WebAuthn ruby server library

Makes your Ruby/Rails web server become a functional WebAuthn Relying Party.

Takes care of the server-side operations needed to register or authenticate a user credential, including the necessary cryptographic checks.

Table of Contents


If you have discovered a security bug, please send an email to security@cedarcode.com instead of posting to the GitHub issue tracker.


What is WebAuthn?

WebAuthn (Web Authentication) is a W3C standard for secure public-key authentication on the Web supported by all leading browsers and platforms.

Good Intros

In Depth


This ruby library will help your Ruby/Rails server act as a conforming Relying-Party, in WebAuthn terminology. But for the Registration and Authentication ceremonies to fully work, you will also need to add two more pieces to the puzzle, a conforming User Agent + Authenticator pair.

Known conformant pairs are, for example:

  • Google Chrome for Android 70+ and Android's Fingerprint-based platform authenticator
  • Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 platform authenticator
  • Mozilla Firefox for Desktop and Yubico's Security Key roaming authenticator via USB

For a detailed picture about what is conformant and what not, you can refer to:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'webauthn'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install webauthn


You can find a working example on how to use this gem in a Rails app in webauthn-rails-demo-app.

If you are migrating an existing application from the legacy FIDO U2F JavaScript API to WebAuthn, also refer to docs/u2f_migration.md.


For a Rails application this would go in config/initializers/webauthn.rb.

WebAuthn.configure do |config|
  # This value needs to match `window.location.origin` evaluated by
  # the User Agent during registration and authentication ceremonies.
  config.origin = "https://auth.example.com"

  # Relying Party name for display purposes
  config.rp_name = "Example Inc."

  # You can optionally specify a different Relying Party ID
  # (https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn/#relying-party-identifier)
  # if it differs from the default one.
  # In this case the default would be "auth.example.com", but you can set it to
  # the suffix "example.com"
  # config.rp_id = "example.com"


Initiation phase

credential_creation_options = WebAuthn.credential_creation_options

# Store the newly generated challenge somewhere so you can have it
# for the verification phase.
# You can read it from the resulting options:

# Send `credential_creation_options` to the browser, so that they can be used
# to call `navigator.credentials.create({ "publicKey": credentialCreationOptions })`

Verification phase

# These should be ruby `String`s encoded as binary data, e.g. `Encoding:ASCII-8BIT`.
# If the user-agent is a web browser, you would use some encoding algorithm to send what
# `navigator.credentials.create` returned through the wire.
# Then you need to decode that data before passing it to the `#verify` method.
# E.g. in https://github.com/cedarcode/webauthn-rails-demo-app we use `Base64.strict_decode64`
# on the user-agent encoded data before calling `#verify`
attestation_object = "..."
client_data_json = "..."

attestation_response = WebAuthn::AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.new(
  attestation_object: attestation_object,
  client_data_json: client_data_json


  # 1. Register the new user and
  # 2. Keep Credential ID, Credential Public Key and Sign Count under storage
  #    for future authentications
  #    Access by invoking:
  #      `attestation_response.credential.id`
  #      `attestation_response.credential.public_key`
  #      `attestation_response.authenticator_data.sign_count`
rescue WebAuthn::VerificationError => e
  # Handle error


Initiation phase

Assuming you have the previously stored Credential ID, now in variable credential_id

credential_request_options = WebAuthn.credential_request_options
credential_request_options[:allowCredentials] << { id: credential_id, type: "public-key" }

# Store the newly generated challenge somewhere so you can have it
# for the verification phase.
# You can read it from the resulting options:

# Send `credential_request_options` to the browser, so that they can be used
# to call `navigator.credentials.get({ "publicKey": credentialRequestOptions })`

Verification phase

Assuming you have the previously stored Credential Public Key, now in variable credential_public_key

# These should be ruby `String`s encoded as binary data, e.g. `Encoding:ASCII-8BIT`.
# If the user-agent is a web browser, you would use some encoding algorithm to send what
# `navigator.credentials.get` returned through the wire.
# Then you need to decode that data before passing it to the `#verify` method.
# E.g. in https://github.com/cedarcode/webauthn-rails-demo-app we use `Base64.strict_decode64`
# on the user-agent encoded data before calling `#verify`
selected_credential_id = "..."
authenticator_data = "..."
client_data_json = "..."
signature = "..."

assertion_response = WebAuthn::AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.new(
  credential_id: selected_credential_id,
  authenticator_data: authenticator_data,
  client_data_json: client_data_json,
  signature: signature

# This hash must have the id and its corresponding public key of the
# previously stored credential for the user that is attempting to sign in.
allowed_credential = {
  id: credential_id,
  public_key: credential_public_key,
  sign_count: sign_count,

  assertion_response.verify(expected_challenge, allowed_credentials: [allowed_credential])

  # Sign in the user
rescue WebAuthn::VerificationError => e
  # Handle error

# Find the selected credential in your data storage using `selected_credential_id`
# Update the stored sign count with the value from `assertion_response.authenticator_data.sign_count`



Attestation Statement Formats

Attestation Statement Format Supported?
packed (self attestation) Yes
packed (x5c attestation) Yes
packed (ECDAA attestation) No
tpm (x5c attestation) Yes
tpm (ECDAA attestation) No
android-key Yes
android-safetynet Yes
fido-u2f Yes
none Yes

NOTE: Be aware that it is up to you to do "trust path validation" (steps 15 and 16 in Registering a new credential) if that's a requirement of your Relying Party policy. The gem doesn't perform that validation for you right now.

Testing Your Integration

The Webauthn spec requires for data that is signed and authenticated. As a result, it can be difficult to create valid test authenticator data when testing your integration. webauthn-ruby exposes WebAuthn::FakeClient for you to use in your tests. Example usage can be found in webauthn-ruby/spec/webauthn/authenticator_assertion_response_spec.rb.


See the contributing file!

Bug reports, feature suggestions, and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/cedarcode/webauthn-ruby.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.