
I'll be adding more detailed instructions along with screenshorts later. For now, these should do. In the meanwhile, try to learn HTML and CSS and start working on your webpage. Head back to this repo once you're done. I would've added the detailed instructions on how to submit your code by then.

  1. Create a GitHub account. Duh.
  2. On your computer, make a folder and place your code (all of the html/css files) in that folder. Name the files "task1.html/task1.css" and name the folder "Your Name".
  3. Head over to this repo.
  4. Fork this repo by clicking on the Fork button in the top-right corner.
  5. You'll be redirected to your fork. The URL will be something like "https://github.com/yourUserName/APK-Delvers-December".
  6. Click on the "Upload Files" button.
  7. Drag and drop the folder that you created earlier.
  8. In the 'Commit Changes' section, write "Task 1" in place of "Add files via upload".
  9. Click on 'Commit Changes.'
  10. Click on 'New Pull Request' and then on 'Create Pull Request'. In place of title, write 'Task 1' and then finally click on 'Create Pull Request' once again.
  11. And that's it, you're done! Wait for me to merge you PR. Enjoy!!!