
Simple scala console app using functional programming features

Primary LanguageScala

Airport scala App

Programming Language: Scala

📖 Description

This is a console scala app that uses data from 3 csv files airports.csv, runways.csv and airlines.csv that are located in the src/main/data folder to enable a user to search for an airport and its associated runways and airlines information and to display some other basic informations.

The approach used here is a functional programming approach. Click here to know more about functional programming.

So the app has two parts : query and report.

  • Query :
    • User enters a country name or code and the app displays the airport & runways at each airport. (See screesnshots below)
    • User can also enter a partial country name because the query supports matching partial/fuzzy names. e.g. entering zimb will result in Zimbabwe
  • Report:
    • The app displays the top 10 countries with the highest number of airport. (See screenshots below)
    • The app displays the bottom 10 countries with the lowest number of airport.
    • The app displays type of runways per country
    • The app displays the top 10 most runway latitude

✔️ How to run the app

  • Clone the app using the following command: git clone https://github.com/ekane3/Airport-scala-app.git
  • Go to the app folder and run the following command: sbt run (or sbt clean compile run if you want to clean the project before running it)
    The app will run in the terminal.
  • To run tests, go to the app folder and run the following command: sbt test

🖼️ Some screenshots of the app

  • Running the app:

    • Menu : choose query or report
      Screenshot menu

    If user enters query we have the following 👇 :

    • Query :
      Screenshot menu
    • Report :
      Screenshot report

  • Running the tests:

Screenshot running test