Task Manager 📋

Using Laravel and VueJs design and implement an appointment module that does the following:

  • Employee can set their availability e.g available on weekdays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM weekend half day.
  • Assign an employee a task when they are available.
  • employee can login and see the tasks assigned.

Build Setup ⚙️

# Install dependencies
composer install

# Copy .env.example and fill in your configuration
cp .env.example .env

# Generate key
php artisan key:generate

Setting up database 💾

After configuring your .env variables, run the migrations and seed the database.

php artisan migrate --seed

An admin user has been created for you:

Email: admin@ex.com Password: password

Serving application 🔗

Create a virtual host with the domain api.taskmanager.test If serving via artisan php artisan serve then make sure the frontend app axios configuration points to the this api host.

For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Larave docs.

Enjoy 🌟

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