
A plugin for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to add support of encrypted fields using built-in or custom encryption providers.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Codacy Badge codecov Nuget

EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption is a Microsoft Entity Framework Core extension to add support of encrypted fields using built-in or custom encryption providers.

How to install

Install the package from NuGet or from the Package Manager Console :

PM> Install-Package EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption

How to use

To use EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption, you will need to decorate your string properties of your entities with the [Encrypted] attribute and enable the encryption on the ModelBuilder.

To enable the encryption correctly, you will need to use an encryption provider, there is a list of the available providers:

Name Class Extra
AES AesProvider Can use a 128bits, 192bits or 256bits key

Example with AesProvider

public class UserEntity
	public int Id { get; set; }
	public string Username { get; set; }
	public string Password { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }

public class DatabaseContext : DbContext
	// Get key and IV from a Base64String or any other ways.
	// You can generate a key and IV using "AesProvider.GenerateKey()"
	private readonly byte[] _encryptionKey = ...; 
	private readonly byte[] _encryptionIV = ...;
	private readonly IEncryptionProvider _provider;

	public DbSet<UserEntity> Users { get; set; }
	public DatabaseContext(DbContextOptions options)
		: base(options)
		this._provider = new AesProvider(this._encryptionKey, this._encryptionIV);
	protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

The code bellow creates a new AesEncryption provider and gives it to the current model. It will encrypt every string fields of your model that has the [Encrypted] attribute when saving changes to database. As for the decrypt process, it will be done when reading the DbSet<T> of your DbContext.

Create an encryption provider

EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption gives the possibility to create your own encryption providers. To do so, create a new class and make it inherit from IEncryptionProvider. You will need to implement the Encrypt(string) and Decrypt(string) methods.

public class MyCustomEncryptionProvider : IEncryptionProvider
	public string Encrypt(string dataToEncrypt)
		// Encrypt data and return as Base64 string
	public string Decrypt(string dataToDecrypt)
		// Decrypt a Base64 string to plain string

To use it, simply create a new MyCustomEncryptionProvider in your DbContext and pass it to the UseEncryption method:

public class DatabaseContext : DbContext
	private readonly IEncryptionProvider _provider;

	public DatabaseContext(DbContextOptions options)
		: base(options)
		this._provider = new MyCustomEncryptionProvider();

	protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)