Backend Api Routes: Random Character

In this challenge, you will

  • create an api route which returns a character object with random values using the chance package and
  • consume this endpoint with SWR to render the information in the browser.


Create the API

Create an api route which returns a character object with random values using chance.

You can use the following hints as guideline:

  • Create the file structure pages/api/random-character.js.
  • Switch to pages/api/random-character.js; write a handler function which
    • responds with a 200 status code and
    • with a character object containing random information (see example below);
    • parses the character object with the .json() method.
  • To create random values, use chance:
    • import via import Chance from "chance";
    • create a new instance with const chance = new Chance();
    • create a character object and use the methods of chance like in the example below;
    • feel free to add keys as you wish: every character should have a twitter name and a geohash, right?
// example character object with random values
const character = {
  firstName: chance.first(),
  lastName: chance.last(),
  // ... some more keys here ...

Check your api route:

  • run npm run dev and
  • switch to the browser and open /api/random-character: you should now see the keys of the character object with random values.

Create the Frontend

You have now prepared an api route responding with a random character – let's use it to display the data for the user!

  • Switch to pages/index.js;
  • Import the useSWR hook, write a fetcher for it and fetch the route /api/random-character.
  • Adapt the return statement to display the data on screen.
  • Open the browser: the home page under / should now show your fetched data!


  • You only have to touch the ./pages/index.js file.


Local Development

To work locally, please install the dependencies using npm i first.

Run npm run dev to start a development server and open the displayed URL in a browser.

Use npm run test to run the tests.

CodeSandbox Cloud

Select the "Preview: 3000" tab to view this project.

Select the "Tests: logs" tab to view the tests.

The npm run dev and npm run test scripts run automatically.


You can use the following commands:

  • npm run dev to start a development server
  • npm run build to build the project
  • npm run start to start a production server
  • npm run test to run the tests
  • npm run lint to run the linter