
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Earth OSM

(by PyPSA meets Earth)

Getting Started

Install earth-osm

pip install git+https://github.com/pypsa-meets-earth/earth-osm.git

Extract osm data

# Example CLI command
earth_osm extract power --regions benin monaco  --features substation line

This will extract primary feature = power for the regions = benin and monaco and the secondary features = substation and line. By default the resulting .csv and .geojson are stored in ./earth_data/out

Load the substation data for benin using pandas

# For Pandas
df_substations = pd.read_csv('./earth_data/out/BJ_raw_substations.csv')
# For GeoPandas
gdf_substations = gpd.read_file('./earth_data/out/BJ_raw_substations.geojson')

Other Arguments

usage: earth_osm extract primary --regions region1, region2 --features feature1, feature2 --data_dir DATA_DIR [--update] [--mp]

primary (e.g power, water, road, etc) NOTE: currently only power is supported

--regions region1 region2 ... (use either iso3166-1:alpha2 or iso3166-2 codes or full names as given by running 'earth_osm view regions')

--features feature1 feature2 ... (optional, use sub-features of primary feature, e.g. substation, line, etc)

--update (optional, update existing data, dafult False)

--mp (optional, use multiprocessing, default True)

--data_dir (optional, path to data directory, default './earth_data')

Advanced Usage

import earth_osm as eo

  primary_name = 'power',
  region_list = ['benin', 'monaco'],
  feature_list = ['substation', 'line'],
  update = False,
  mp = True,
  data_dir = './earth_data',