Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
- 9
Finding an improved solution for conditional transition type selection of UIViewController in Swift
#104 opened by IgorRatynski - 5
Crash in String(describing: dactory) call
#102 opened by kadetlessy - 1
Is it easy to use for large SwiftUI-only project now?
#101 opened by ibaikaa - 2
- 6
Best way to route reused screen
#100 opened by Nikitos9I - 6
Setting title/navigationItem title in a UIViewController in a UITabBarController
#98 opened by bennnjamin - 5
Add dependency registration via SPM to Readme
#99 opened by Nikitos9I - 4
How to handle routing in a multi-window app?
#95 opened by bennnjamin - 3
Help how to close the current screen or pop to previous screen in Route Composer?
#94 opened by RauanBImat - 4
Best way to handle if/else logic when a route depends on two different prior View Controllers
#93 opened by bennnjamin - 2
- 6
- 2
Have different contexts for Factory and navigation
#92 opened by vykut - 1
How to display a modal sheet from a tab bar item
#90 opened by vykut - 10
Why can't the second step in a UINavigationController use a different context than the first step?
#86 opened by bennnjamin - 7
When and why to define Steps as computed property, static var, static func and let
#85 opened by bennnjamin - 3
- 6
Change tabs in TabBar in runtime
#83 opened by snowtema - 13
How to change root view controller using LoginInterceptor and then continue navigation
#82 opened by tadelv - 4
Modular Architecture
#81 opened by bagusandinata - 5
- 2
Can a custom init function be added to `NavigationControllerStep` & `TabBarControllerStep`?
#74 opened by wwdc14yh - 2
- 4
Usage help: switch-based navigation
#70 opened by hatched-cory - 18
Constructing routing in the app
#66 opened by snowtema - 5
need enlightenment from heaven
#68 opened by bagusandinata - 3
- 8
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Pass a different type of context to children
#57 opened by clementleys - 1
Hot to close screen/module using Router
#58 opened by trimonovds - 6
Is it compatible with swiftUI?
#53 opened by vBoykoGit - 2
- 5
How get data from dismiss?
#51 opened by ArtSumin - 1
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Help with some switch assembly...
#48 opened by Elaz-viz - 7
Modal ViewController is not dismissed when presented using overCurrentContext style
#46 opened by 0rtm - 1
Add support to Swift 5.0
#25 opened by bystritskiy - 10
- 5
How to implement AuthorizationInterceptor?
#26 opened by lts1610 - 5
- 3
Incorrect tag for Swift Package manager
#44 opened by ericyanush - 4
SwiftPM support missing
#42 opened by nikislyak - 8
Route Composer does not show modal view controller presented from tabbar when tabbar is pushed
#35 opened by 0rtm - 22
Route Composer does not find a ViewController inside a tab bar when it is being pushed
#33 opened by 0rtm - 2
"Go to product 02" navigation
#5 opened by bonyadmitr - 8
Could you provide a MVVM+RxSwift example?
#27 opened by lts1610