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Exploring various facets of market risk, including risks associated with equities, bonds, and derivatives. Also, using the probabilistic and statistical measures to quantify market risk and estimate potential losses for investors or portfolio managers.
Credit Risk Modelling: Developing scorecards, Probability of Default Model Development with Generalized Linear Models.
In this credit risk modeling project, the goal is to explore the feasibility of using machine learning algorithms such as Random Forests, and XGBoost to model and assess risks within a dataset. The primary objective is to investigate whether these algorithms can effectively analyze the data and provide insights into various types of risks.
A python package providing the solution of the Friedmann - Boltzmann equations for Primordial Black Holes + Inflaton + SM radiation + BSM Models. Allows to study different reheating scenarios in the universe post stochastic inflation and pre radiation domination.
A python package for studying all scenarios of reheating in the early universe with decaying/scattering inflaton and evaporating black hole. Also, allows compute the relic abundance of dark matter produced by the evaporating PBH. Inflaton decays into Standard Model only.
Sampling regions of susy mathematical models' parameter spaces that are in best agreement with experimental data.
A data driven sampler of SUSY models, using both Bayesian and Likelihood based statistics.
ekdonald's Repositories
A data driven sampler of SUSY models, using both Bayesian and Likelihood based statistics.
Sampling regions of susy mathematical models' parameter spaces that are in best agreement with experimental data.
Exploring various facets of market risk, including risks associated with equities, bonds, and derivatives. Also, using the probabilistic and statistical measures to quantify market risk and estimate potential losses for investors or portfolio managers.
Credit Risk Modelling: Developing scorecards, Probability of Default Model Development with Generalized Linear Models.
In this credit risk modeling project, the goal is to explore the feasibility of using machine learning algorithms such as Random Forests, and XGBoost to model and assess risks within a dataset. The primary objective is to investigate whether these algorithms can effectively analyze the data and provide insights into various types of risks.
A python package for studying all scenarios of reheating in the early universe with decaying/scattering inflaton and evaporating black hole. Also, allows compute the relic abundance of dark matter produced by the evaporating PBH. Inflaton decays into Standard Model only.
A python package providing the solution of the Friedmann - Boltzmann equations for Primordial Black Holes + Inflaton + SM radiation + BSM Models. Allows to study different reheating scenarios in the universe post stochastic inflation and pre radiation domination.