This code is an interface to software for "Large-Scale Differentiable Causal Discovery of Factor Graphs", lightly modified from the original repo. That repository was originally forked from DCDI. Please refer to the NOTICE file for licensing information.
import ggrn_backend2.api as dcdfg_wrapper
factor_graph_model = dcdfg_wrapper.DCDFGWrapper()
predictions_anndata = factor_graph_model.predict([('POU5F1', 5), ('NANOG', 0)])
Note: this code will generate Wandb logging files as a side effect.
Input data are expected to be AnnData objects with several specific metadata fields, such as "perturbation". For context, this wrapper over DCD-FG is part of a benchmarking study that includes a collection of RNA-seq data all formatted in a standard way. See our benchmarking repo or data collection for more information. To load a suitable example dataset, install our benchmarking infrastructure and use the following code.
import pereggrn_perturbations
'../perturbation_data/perturbations' # Change this to wherever you placed our collection of perturbation data.
my_anndata = pereggrn_perturbations.load_perturbation("nakatake")
- For stand-alone use of this package, there is a
so you can use pip to install it and the deps should be taken care of. - This is part of a benchmarking study that includes a conda environment with exact deps pinned. See our benchmarking repo for more information.