
This repository looks at some of the core foundation of web dev namely:


  • Introduction to HTML
  • Tags (Paired and self closing)
  • Attributes
  • Structural Elements
  • Hyperlinking
    • href
    • target
  • Forms
    • What is action
    • What is method
      • GET
      • POST
  • Different input types
    • text
    • password
    • number
    • date
    • colour
    • url
    • tel
    • email
    • checkbox
    • radio
    • select
    • text area
    • search
    • file
    • range
    • time
  • Lists
    • Ordered
    • Unordered
    • description list
    • Nested
    • Styled
  • Tables
    • tr
    • td
    • th
    • thead
    • tbody
    • tfoot

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  • Linking Stylesheets
    • External
    • Internal
    • Embedded
  • Font families
  • Compound rules
  • Selectors
    • By Id
    • By Class
    • Element + Id
    • Element + Class
