
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wine-os App

This app is built with RESTful routes. You can interact with the app on heroku here: https://elaines-wineapp.herokuapp.com/

User Stories

  • A user can log in.
  • A user can view all wines.
  • A user can view all notes for a wine.
  • A user can add a note, edit a note, or delete a note to a wine.
  • A user can view their notes on their profile page



Column Name Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key, Auto-generated
name String Must be provided
email String Must be unique / used for login
password String Stored as a hash
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated


Column Name Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key, Auto-generated
wine String From API
color String From API
country String From API
region String From API
appelation String From API
vintage Integer From API
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated

Wine Tasting

Column Name Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key, Auto-generated
notes Text Must be provided
userId Integer Must be provided
wineId Integer Must be provided
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated

Default Routes

Method Path Location Purpose
GET / server.js Home page
GET /auth/login auth.js Login form
GET /auth/signup auth.js Signup form
POST /auth/login auth.js Login user
POST /auth/signup auth.js Creates User
GET /auth/logout auth.js Removes session info
GET /profile server.js Displays a user's wine notes
GET /wines wines.js get wines from API
GET /wines/:id wines.js render both wine details and associated wineTastings for a wine
POST /winesTastings wineTastings.js while in the wine create a new tasting
GET winetasting/:id/:winename wineTastings.js get a wineTasting by id and return the wine name in profile
PUT /wineTastings/:id wineTastings.js update a wine tasting
DELETE /wineTastings/:id wineTastings.js delete a wine tasting

Steps To Use

1. Download dependencies

  • Fork this repo
npm i 

2. Update config.json

sequelize db:create and update your database with your database file. sequelize db:migrate

3. Create .env

Create your .env file, input your secret session and api key from Global Wine score, https://www.globalwinescore.com/api/ .

Next Steps

I'd like to add additional features to my application, like increasing styling to reflect the sommelier exam.