Welcome to the Expo Starter template! This starter kit is designed to kickstart your mobile app development journey with various essential features pre-configured. Below is an overview of what's included and how to get started.
Storybook: Storybook provides a development environment for UI components, allowing you to browse a component library, view the different states of each component, and interactively develop and test components in isolation.
Supabase Authentication: Supabase authentication integration enables secure user authentication for your Expo app using Supabase, a robust open-source Firebase alternative.
Theme: The theme setup helps you maintain consistent styling throughout your app by defining and centralizing your design system's colors, typography, spacing, and more.
i18n (Internationalization): i18n integration facilitates localization in your app, making it easy to support multiple languages and regions. Refer to Expo Localization Documentation for detailed guidance.
App Router: An app router is pre-configured to handle navigation within your Expo app efficiently.
Tanstack Query: Tanstack Query offers a powerful data fetching and caching library that simplifies API data fetching, caching, and synchronization in your app.
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone <repository-url>
Navigate to the project directory:
cd expo-starter
Install dependencies:
npm install
yarn install
Start the development server for Expo Go:
yarn start
This command will launch Expo DevTools in your default browser and provide you with options to run the app on iOS or Android devices/emulators.
For iPhone emulator:
yarn ios
For Android emulator:
yarn android
To start Storybook for web:
yarn storybook:web
This command will launch Storybook in your browser, allowing you to develop and test UI components in isolation.
- Expo Documentation
- Supabase Documentation
- Tanstack Query Documentation
- React Navigation Documentation
Feel free to explore and customize the Expo Starter template according to your project requirements. Happy coding! 🚀
Prepared by Ekimcem (ekimcemulger@gmail.com)