
My dotfiles for Windows+WSL2

Primary LanguageVim Script

My Dotfiles (Windows + WSL)

My dotfiles for the Windows+WSL environment that i'm currently using. There are only a few pieces to this environment workflow.

vim (Windows / WSL)

On Windows:

# install vim and add vim.exe to path
# install git and node (must be in path)
# install vim-plug https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug
# TODO: automate this process.

On WSL Bash:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vim
# install vim-plug https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug

Then copy .vimrc file to the appropriate path


On Windows: Download and install Alacritty. Add to path if not added.

Copy the alacritty.yml file to the appropriate path.



sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tmux

Then copy .tmux.conf to the appropriate path

.bashrc for WSL

On WSL: Copy .bashrc to ~/