
This project is on inspecting change types from commits (QRS2021)

Primary LanguageJava

Change Instepector Java

This project is on inspecting change types from commits.

Running PyDriller for change collection

For PyDriller you need Python 3.x. It is recommended to use Anaconda for installing dependecies.

To run Pydriller, you can simply use the command below:

python find_changed_codes.py

Running Change Inspectore Java

To run Change Inspector Java (CIJ), make sure you have collected the changed files extracted from PyDriller. You will need two folders; one for source codes before change and one for source codes after change. These two folders should have the Java source codes for parse tree generation.

Setting Parameters for Change Inspector Java

Running CIJ is very simple and very few parameters needs to be set. All the required parameters should be set in the Main class given below.


There are two variables that need to be set:

  • Set path to source files: To set the path to the source files you need to use modify the varible given below in the main function, which is currently set to commons-csv_data in the source code by default.
String dataFileName = "commons-csv_bug_fix_data";

This path should contain data obtained from PyDriller and the folder hierarchy should follow the example given below:

python/[project_bug_fix_data]/[commit-hash-value]/before/[set of .java files]

python/[project_bug_fix_data]/[commit-hash-value]/after/[set of .java files]

For example for project commons-csv and for hash value 1a7c6140825bd7b3abe73c5dd732b090acc84b61 the folder structure would look like the path given below:




  • Set report file name and/or directory: Currently the change type report will create a file called changeReport.txt. If you want to change the file report name and directory, you will have to modify the code below from the main function:
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("changeReport.txt"));


Dataset is organized as the following:

├── changeReport_commons-csv.txt
└── ...
├── find_changed_codes.py
├── bug_and_fix_data
|   ├── commons-csv
|   |   └── active-bugs.csv
|   └── ...
├── commons-csv_bug_fix_data
|   ├── 1282503fb97d621b4225bd031757adbfada66181
|   |   ├── after
|   |   |   ├── CSVFormat.java
|   |   |   ├── CSVPrinter.java
|   |   |   └── CSVPrinterTest.java
|   |   └── before
|   |       ├── CSVFormat.java
|   |       ├── CSVPrinter.java
|   |       └── CSVPrinterTest.java
|   └── ...
└── ...


If you have used our work please cite us:

Tracking Code Bug Fix Ripple Effects Based on Change Patterns Using Markov Chain Models (IEEE TR '22)

  title={Tracking Code Bug Fix Ripple Effects Based on Change Patterns Using Markov Chain Models},
  author={Ufuktepe, Ekincan and Tuglular, Tugkan and Palaniappan, Kannappan},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Reliability},

The relation between bug fix change patterns and change impact analysis (QRS'21)

  title={The relation between bug fix change patterns and change impact analysis},
  author={Ufuktepe, Ekincan and Tuglular, Tugkan and Palaniappan, Kannappan},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS)},