
Always too drunk to text your girlfriend that you got home safe? This tool will send a message via telegram, once your mobile phone is detected in your wifi network after a couple of hours.

Primary LanguagePython

Honey, I'm home!

Always too drunk to text your girlfriend that you got home safe?

This tool will send a message via telegram, once your mobile phone is detected in your wifi network after a couple of hours.



  • Install Python 3.7 or higher.
  • Run pip install -r <PROJECT_ROOT>/requirements.txt on a command line.
  • You need to find out the MAC address of your phone (or any other device). At usual, this device should be in the same network as the host which runs this application.

Telegram bot

  • Use Telegram's bot BotFather to create a bot: https://t.me/botfather
  • Follow the instructions given by BotFather and copy the created bot token to a safe place.
  • Send the message \help to BotFather to check which possibilities of configuration you have.
  • Enable the setting \setjoingroups.
  • Create a private Telegram group and add your new bot to the group. Important step!
  • Find out what's your chat id of the Telegram group. A helper script is placed under tools:
    python tools/get_chat_id.py -t <YOUR_TOKEN> -g <YOUR_GROUP_NAME>
  • As a last step, create a config file in folder notification named config.json:
      "bot_token": "place your token here.",
      "bot_chat_id": "place your chat id here."

Device detection script

Run python <PROJECT_ROOT>/phone_detection.py on a command line. You have the following command line options:

Argument Description Required Default
-d / --device The mac address of the device. Yes None
-a / --absence Send a message when a device is detected that was last seen x minutes ago. No 60
-s / --scan-interval Interval in minutes that indicates how often a device search is performed. No 1