scripts to generate openssl .so to be used from Qt Android Projects on MacOS
Building Qt mobile Apps for Android there's a problem if App should run on Android 7+, because Google removed openssl. You must build openssl .so libs by yourself
There's a documentation from Qt HowTo add openssl:
Unfortunately this fails on MacOS with error unknown argument: '-mandroid'
see also QTBUG-59375
thx Marco Piccolino and Roman Pasechnik in this repo I found the needed scripts to generate the openssl libraries by myself. That repo itself is based on Android NDK openssl build script for original repository( see details :
These scripts do all for you from downloading and extracting openssl and generating libs for x86 and armeabi-v7a
I'm not providing any prebuilt .so here as you may found in other repos at github, because this would be a security hole to embed .so you don't have built from origin sources.
I did small modifications to the scripts to run them on OSX Please check the environment values of
Clone this repo to a location you can refer to from your Qt projects.
Open Terminal and do:
cd <path/to/this/repo>
chmod 755 ./
chmod 755 ./
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/your/path/to/_android/android-ndk-r10e
export OPENSSL_VERSION="openssl-1.0.2k"
insert this line into your .pro
copy this .pri into your projects (don't forget to adjust the path)
android {
ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$PWD/my/path/to/prebuilt/armeabi-v7a/
ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS += $$PWD/my/path/to/android-openssl/prebuilt/armeabi-v7a/