
The 'yeah-the-boys' discord bot.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A discord first idle game centered around gambling, specifically Roulette.


You will require the following software before you can setup a development environment.

Software                    Version
---                         ---
Git                         ^v2.37.3.windows.1
NodeJS                      ^v18.12.2
NPM (Ships with Node)       ^v8.19.2
Docker Desktop              ^v4.13.0

# If you do not know how to use Docker, then you can install the following locally instead
PostgresSQL                 ^v15.1.0
Redis                       ^v6.0.0

Development Setup

Install project dependencies

npm install

Setup your local Postgres Development Database using Docker 🐋

docker run --name pg_development \
    -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -d --restart unless-stopped \

Setup your local Redis Development Cache using Docker 🐋

docker run --name redis_development \
    -p 6379:6379 \
    -d --restart unless-stopped \

Setup your .env file

  1. Make a copy of .exampe.env and save this as .env
  2. Fill out the details of the .env file
  3. Make a copy of config.example.ts and save this as config.ts
  4. Uncomment the code, and fill out the blanks as required.

Setup Schemas/Tables for the project:

npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate

Start the project up

npm run dev

Project Patterns

Most, if not all of the business logic is stored under the ./plugins directory, with the following pattern:

/<plugin-name>          The plugins root directory
    /discord            Logic that relates to handling and sending info through the discord bot.
    /logic              Core business logic that is related to the plugin.
        /mapping        Static data that is related to the plugin.
    /types              Type defs that are related to the plugin.

Anything related to the database can be found under the ./prisma directory.

Any random utility functions can be found under the ./utils directory.

Helpful Tools

Here some helpful tools used for development of this project

Software        Type                        Website
---             ---                         ---
DB Beaver       Universal Database Tool     https://dbeaver.io/
RedisInsight    Redis UI Client             https://redis.com/redis-enterprise/redis-insight/