
ESPN Soccer Sport Logo Downloader

Primary LanguagePython

ESPN Soccer Sport Logo Downloader

This repository is used as one of my data scraping project portfolio.

One of my client require me to write a script to download Soccer Team Logo from ESPN as an image file.

After doing some quick scraping test on the website, it seems the image url appear on the browser but not on the img tag when using Python GET requests library.

# On the Browser
<img alt="AFC Bournemouth" class="Image Logo Logo__lg" title="AFC Bournemouth" data-mptype="image" src="https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/teamlogos/soccer/500/349.png&amp;scale=crop&amp;cquality=40&amp;location=origin&amp;w=80&amp;h=80">

# On Python GET request
<img alt="AFC Bournemouth" class="Image Logo Logo__lg" data-mptype="image" src="" title="AFC Bournemouth"/>

I realize the number 349 from the first html tag above was an id for a team. In this example, 349 was belong to AFC Bournemouth team.

Then I start develop some functions for checking the output folder existance, for making a GET request, query a soup object, and image file downloader.

Instead of trying to find the image url, I think the better solution is to find the team id.

Team id are lay on the href attribute on the parent tag as the img tag above. Then, I subtitute the 349 with the team id I gathered, download it, and manage the output on the logos folder.

The library I use for developing the script was only using requests, BeautifulSoup, and wget. All the dependencies can be installed using python PIP.

pip install -r requirements.txt

To test the app, you can run the app.py

python app.py

You also can change to the other ESPN target URL by changing the variable url inside the app.py.

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Prepare the URL and make a GET request
    url = "https://www.espn.com/soccer/teams/_/league/ENG.1/english-premier-league"
    soup = get(url)


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