The Foreign Keys

Team Lead: Sam Kilgus

UI Engineer: Matt Witte

Test Engineer: Alberto Serrano

Design Engineer: Elijah Kliot

Domain: RPG Characters

Running the project

  1. Download Maven
  2. Run mvn package to get an executable jar file
  3. Run any of the following commands:
    • ./
      • Removes a previously created database instance.
    • ./
      • Runs the initilizaion script for the database (runs the script before execution).
      • Equivalent to java -jar target/CS320-project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar create-tables
    • ./
      • Starts the program (database must be created before use).
      • Equivalent to java -jar target/CS320-project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

This project uses JCommander to parse command line arguments.