Sprocket is a developer friendly web framework for MIT Scheme, built during 6.945: Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming.
Because Sprocket relies on httpio
, it requires at least mit-scheme v9.
$ git clone https://github.com/ekmartin/sprocket.git
Then in your Scheme project you can do:
(cd "sprocket")
(load "server.scm")
;;; First create a new server instance:
(define server (create-server))
;;; Attach a handler:
(get server
(lambda (req params) '(200 () "Hello World!"))
;;; And finally, start the server on port 3000:
(listen server 3000)
Sprocket lets you build applications as a set of middleware that
turns a request into a response. The basic
building block for creating new middleware is add-handler
add-handler server handler [path] [method]
(add-handler server
(lambda (req params)
(printf "-> request: ~A" req)))
Sprocket also provides a set of helper procedures that makes it easier to define new handlers:
get server handler [path]
post server handler [path]
put server handler [path]
delete server handler [path]
(post server
(lambda (req params) '(200 () "Let's add a cat!"))
In a similar vein, Sprocket also lets you define middleware that are only called in case of errors:
add-error-handler server handler [path] [method]
(lambda (req params err)
(printf "-> error: ~A - in request: ~A" err req)))
Similar to express's bodyParser.json(), Sprocket allows you to
take in json data and parse it into a Scheme data structure,
making use of json-decode
from https://github.com/joeltg/json.scm.
You can make use of this functionality by calling:
add-handler server json-body-parser
(post server
(lambda (req)
(let ((body (http-request-body req)))
(printf "body: ~A" body)
"First value: "
(cdar (vector-ref body 0)))))
Not all requests require handlers - sometimes you just
want to return a file. Sprocket provides a serve-static
helper for this:
serve-static path
(get server (serve-static "public") '("static"))
This would for example cause Sprocket to respond to
a /static/file.txt
request with the contents of
. In the case where Sprocket
fails to read file at path
, it turns over control
to the next middleware, and logs the error.
returns a response that redirects the client
to the given location.
redirect location [status = 302]
(get server
(lambda (req params)
(redirect "http://localhost:3000/hello-world"))
The path argument to add-handler
is a list where each
element matches a forward slash separated segment of a URL.
This can either be a string, or one of the symbols number-arg
and string-arg
. The last two matches arbitrary values of their
respective types, and passes a list of the matched parameters
to the request handler.
(get server
(lambda (req params)
`(200 ()
"We're buying cat number "
(number->string (car params)))))
'("cats" number-arg "buy"))
(get server
(lambda (req params)
`(200 ()
"We're buying the dog named "
(car params))))
'("dogs" string-arg "buy"))
takes in the existing request body as
json, converts it into a Scheme data structure, and
updates the request body with the new body.
(add-handler server (json-body-parser))