
A simple micro-framework written in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Gofast - A light, fast and simple Go micro-framework

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This is a light and fast micro-framework I wrote in order to train to Go language.

This project uses "pongo2" library for rendering templates (compatible with Django Jinja templates)


Prior to Go 1.11:

$ git clone git@github.com:eko/gofast.git
$ go get -u github.com/flosch/pongo2
$ go get -u golang.org/x/net/http2
$ go get -u golang.org/sirupsen/logrus

Prefer using dep?

$ dep ensure

When using Go 1.11 (go modules) or later:

$ go build ./...

Running an application

$ go run app.go
2015/01/26 21:57:35 gofast v1.0-beta
2015/01/26 21:57:48 [POST] 200 | route: 'add' | url: "/add/toto" (time: 143.238us)

This will run the application on port 8080. Optionnaly, you can provide a port number this way:

$ PORT=8005 go run app.go

A simple application example

Because an example will explain it better, here is an application example with things you can do with Gofast:

package main

import (

func main() {
    app := gofast.Bootstrap()

    // This adds a fallback route for 404 (not found) resources
    app.SetFallback(func(context gofast.Context) {
        app.Render(context, "404.html")

    // You can add a simple GET route
    app.Get("homepage", "/$", func(context gofast.Context) {
        app.Render(context, "index.html")

    // ... or add a more complex POST route with a URL parameter
    app.Post("add", "/add/([a-zA-Z]+)$", func(context gofast.Context) {
        request  := context.GetRequest()

        pattern := context.GetRoute().GetPattern()
        url     := request.GetHttpRequest().URL.Path

        request.AddParameter("name", pattern.FindStringSubmatch(url)[1])

        // ... your custom code

        app.Render(context, "add.html")


HTTP/2 Support

You can use HTTP/2 support by using the following line instead of app.Listen():

app.ListenHttp2("./fullchain.pem", "./privkey.pem")

Of course, you will have to precize SSL certificate and private key.

You can also set Link headers in order to preload assets:

response := c.GetResponse()

response.Header().Add("Link", "</assets/img/rocket.png>; rel=preload")
response.Header().Add("Link", "</assets/css/style.css>; rel=preload")


You can use all Pongo2 template features and retrieve data like this:

{% extends "../layout.html" %}

{% block navigation %}
    {% include "../include/navigation.html" with current="blog" %}
{% endblock %}

<h2>Retrieve a "name" parameter</h2>
<p>{{ request.GetParameter("name") }}</p>

<h2>Retrieve a "data" POST form value</h2>
<p>{{ request.GetFormValue("data") }}</p>

You have access to both request and response objects from context.

Requesting this example

Using the example given below, here is the request results:

> $ curl -X GET
<h1>Welcome to the index template!</h1>

> $ curl -X POST -d'data=my post data'
<h2>Retrieve a "name" parameter</h2>

<h2>Retrieve a "data" POST form value</h2>
<p>my post data</p>


You can add some middlewares in your application by the following way:

app.Use(func(context gofast.Context, next gofast.MiddlewareFunc) gofast.Handler {
  // Some code before calling the next middleware
  handler := next(context, next)
  // Some code after calling the next middleware

  return handler

It allows you to access context (request, response, current route) and also allows to define a new handler function to update the application behavior.

Default CORS headers

Following CORS headers are enabled by default when the request has an "Origin" header:

Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token, Authorization
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: domainname.tld

You can override any header (including CORS ones) by the following way into each action:

app.Get("retrieve-data", "/retrieve$", func(context gofast.Context) {
    response := context.GetResponse()
    response.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET")
    response.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

    fmt.Fprint(response, "{result: 200}")

Use the logger

The Logrus logger instance can be used to write information in your application stdout if you need it. You can retrieve the logger instance from the context as follows:

app.Get("test-logger", "/test-logger$", func(context gofast.Context) {
    logger := context.GetLogger()
    logger.Info("Roger, this is my log information!")