A tiny, pure javascript, MVP of our houserules of the Articulate Game. More here: https://www.drumondpark.com/rules/articulate
- There is no spinner or spin segments.
- Landing on a control/spade means you play normally except a random category is picked every time.
- The list of cards are not taken from the original game.
- The end of the game will function as per the standard control rules.
- Unless there is something I missed, all else should follow the rules as normal.
- Goto https://github.com/ekohilas/articulate or run a http server such as
python3 -m http.server 8000
- Press the
button. - Enter number of teams and team names.
- Press ready button to begin the round.
- Your currently held card is stored in "holding" of the map. a. Press Win to score it and gain a new card. b. Press Discard to remove it and gain a new card. c. Press Defer to store it and gain a new card. Pressing defer again will cycle to the next card in your hand.
- Repeat 4 until timer runs out, then press ready again to begin the new round.
- Cleanup frontend javascript code.
- Timer
- Buttons
- Think of a clean UI to represent the board.
- Add a Tinder like card interface.
- Complete other functionality
- polyfill/babel
- do words need categoryies?
- do they need to know if they're wild?
- should holding be limited to one word?
- if added words are wild, should they come out of a seperate deck, and the normal deck at the same time?
- I assume classes are hashable by default
- Add sanity checks
- Are words hashable? and should they be?
- Test end final turn