small Mobx/React client of
# start the app with webpack dev server
npm start
# build app to ./dist folder and copy favicon with manifest
npm run build
# build app to ./dist folder and copy favicon with manifest + overwrite .js/.css sources with GZIPed versions.
npm run build-gzip
# build app to ./dist folder and serve it.
npm run run-static-prod
- Sign up
- Sign in
- Event list (default view)
- Event details
- Edit event (private route and it requires authentication!)
- React@16 with React-dom@6
- Mobx@5 with Mobx-react@5
- react-router-dom@5 (for routing) / BTW please check my other branch with mobx-router.
- react-paginate@6 (for events pagination)
- classnames@2 (conditional styles and classes)
- date-fns@2 (format date and time, modular alternative to moment.js)
- lodash@4 (utils)
- dompurify@1 (to sanitize html in event description)
- bulma@0.7 (CSS-SASS framework based on flex-box). BTWm components has some own locally scoped styles wrapped with CSS-Modules
- webpack@4 + plugins
- babel