Use libpcap and SDL to visualize IP traffic between multiple endpoints
deb [codename]-security-unstable main
- Debian: sid, bullseye
- Ubuntu: jammy, impish, focal, bionic
- install
package and apt-get update
On packet-balls:
- Red for UDP
- Green for TCP
- White/blue for any other IP protocol On hosts:
- defined by oip.conf
On the gui, you can use the mouse and the keyboard.
Mouse controls:
- left click on host to reposition
- right click on host to bring up context menu
- add actions to context menu in oip.conf on client
Keyboard keys:
- ! to open the menu
- , to start displaying the capture (Load button).
- p to pause and play the capture
- to disconnnect?
apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libpcap-dev libsdl1.2-dev libfreetype6-dev g++ make libfontconfig1-dev
make install
If you have any dependency error, just install them.
You can modifiy the oip.conf file to suit your needs but it is optional.
Rian Shelley (Utah State Univeristy) Maintained by Eldon Koyle (Utah State University) Additional features added by Sebastian Garcia ( and Vojtech Uhlir ( (Czech Technical University)