
A standard bootstrap 4 theme development workflow and automation : following community suggested best practices using sass, npm, gulp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

[Warning] Under Development.

What & Why!


  • Recommended tools used from google page speed doc (https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/MinifyResources)
  • Based on bootstrap 4 and recommendation from doc
  • Optimized for better performance.
  • No change in distribution/build approach. Every changes goes under source directories.
  • Can Easily change distribution / build directory names according to your project needs.



  • Make sure your system has node.js installed. To check open your favorite terminal / commander tool and run
node -v
  • If not already installed, install gulp globally.
npm install gulp -g
  • Download this repository as zip to your project directory.
  • Open terminal / commander in your project directory, the run
npm install
npm start

Thats it!!! Your output / build directory will be processed and ready; Default browser will fire with the bootstrap starter template and will be watching for your modification in the sources. Start building amazing things.


Tools Used



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details