
Modern discussion and somewhat reddit like platform . Based on .Net Core,not completed

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🚀 Fikirsun

Modern discussion and somewhat reddit like platform 'not finished'

🌟 Some Features

Here are the key features and highlights of the project(without crud):

  • Like System
  • Notification System (when:like,comment claim,comment,reply,role upgrade)
  • Comment & Reply System
  • Popularity Algorithm with many params (example:2 min later and 3 like , 30 second later and 2 like. Probably second is popular )
  • Subscription System
  • 4 Role [Admin,Manager,Moderator,User] User is default role
  • Comment Claim (like , it's true answer ✅)
  • Spam Word Filter for bad comment and replies
  • Page Management
  • User Management
  • One-To-One Post-Category
  • Modern design
  • User Account Settings
  • DARK - LİGHT mode
  • Tag System
  • 3 type searching (Tag,Category,Name and all together)
  • . . .

❓ Project View (pls wait will loaded)

🛠️ Used Technologies

  • Programming Languages: c# ,javascript , html , css..

  • Frameworks: .net core,entity framework..

  • Libraries: Bootstrap,Jquery,ToastrAlert,Toastui-editor..

  • Database: MsSqlServer

  • Extras:
    Fetch&Ajax,Base64,MVC, IDENTİTY Auth,ViewComponent,FluentAPI,DataAnnotations,Partial Update...

📚 Installation and Usage

Provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and use the project. It's helpful to mention the required dependencies and environment variables.

Installation steps:

  1. First, clone and star the project 😂👍
  2. Rebuild Project, check .net version⚠️
  3. Db Connection: put your connection string to appsettings.json file
  4. Comment SeedData F.: If 'seedData.Initialize()' is open,make it comment line because firstly we should update db(program.cs)
  5. Update-Database: Open Package Manager Console and write "update-database" for creating db and migrations
  6. Open Comment Line : Open Comment Line from program.cs (seedData.Initialize()) "for user and roles"
  7. Run

🌐 Demo

For more information about the project, you can visit the project website.

📣 Developer Notes

Hi devs 😥!

Firstly nice to see you!If you wanna see frontend scripts you look my Blog-WEBUI repo.

EN: The biggest challenge of the project was trying to rush the development of the backend. I worked alone for only 1-2 months for this extensive project. As a result, although a beautiful website emerged, I couldn't utilize the technologies and techniques I knew to their fullest extent. For those who wish to further develop the project, you can access some of my notes in dev.txt. Enjoy!

TR: Projenin en büyük sorunu backendin hızla yetiştirilmeye çalışılmasıydı bu geniş proje için yalnızca 1-2 ay tek başıma çalıştım . Sonuç olarak ortaya güzel bir site çıkmış olsa dahi bildiğim teknikleri ve teknolojileri kullanamadım .Geliştirmek isteyenler için aldığım bazı notlara dev.txt üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz iyi eğlenceler !