Barcode scanner for react native, which implements barcode detection from Google's Vision API.
- 2
Set Barcode Type PDF417 but still scans CODE_128
#40 opened by aGORyan - 16
- 7
scannerModule.BarcodeType is undefined
#2 opened by jshtx - 0
CODE_128 on some cards not working
#45 opened by code-by - 0
Reading multiple barcodes at once
#44 opened by rutvikrockers - 2
- 5
Bar code scanner is not working on some devices
#28 opened by Elvinra - 0
google report crash
#42 opened by nppull - 1
How do I enable front camera to scan barcode?
#38 opened by alokj10 - 0
- 0
Its crashing when scanning multiple times with barcode scanner java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
#37 opened by maulikdhameliya - 19
IOS estension
#13 opened by sbobykin - 3
Torch is Not working , i followed the advanced example at it is ? react native: 0.55.4, react: 16.3.1
#30 opened by dileepbolisetti - 1
comparision with rncamera
#33 opened by akshay2604 - 0
#36 opened by webdevfarhan - 0
Auto focus is not working in samsung tab A
#35 opened by ananth10 - 3
camera view, fullscreen not working
#12 opened by joaoalbertocsjunior - 4
Code_39 Barcode scan miss last character
#34 opened by vmary2014 - 0
- 5
- 0
- 3
#29 opened by Chepkeitany - 1
reactnative-barcode-scanner-google is downloading every launch of application because of that its showing alert operational
#25 opened by TheCodeTalker - 4
Issue when use with react-native-camera.
#18 opened by ducpt2 - 3
- 1
toggle torch feature?
#11 opened by picksomething - 1
Cant disable auto focus?
#23 opened by vivianmauer - 1
- 0
How to rotate?
#21 opened by 3lhagvaasuren - 1
how to scan in a landscape mode?
#24 opened by 3lhagvaasuren - 1
Run with ios too?
#27 opened by ducpt2 - 5
camera not shown but a black screen rendered
#9 opened by icesyc - 15
BlackScreen on Back action
#4 opened by dinhhuynhky - 1
Need help for creating a barcode scan mask
#17 opened by nhudinh2103 - 2
Pause camera
#15 opened by giorgiootto - 3
Error import library
#10 opened by dacontor - 1
v1.3.0 can't install
#8 opened by kryst4l - 1
how can i use it ? is there an example?
#1 opened by liuyimx