
WhatsApp Cloud Api implementation in React Native and Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WhatsApp Cloud Api implementation in React Native and Node.js

A working application to send and receive WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram messages* using Meta's Cloud Api



Warning: This application contains JS code, use at your own risk.
* only text messages are currently implemented


Install Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/
If you are using Windows 7 use this version https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.16.1/node-v14.16.1-x64.msi
and create an Environment variable called: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK and set it to 1

Open a command prompt at the folder wa-cloud-api
Install the dependencies with the command npm install (it will take a while)

Run the front

Execute npm start
Then type 'w'

Run the server

Open a command prompt at the folder Server
node server.js
Open another command prompt at the folder Server
ngrok http --region eu 3000
Open http://localhost:4040/ in your browser and copy your server URL

Configure Meta's WhatsApp Cloud API

First, you need a Facebook account :(
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ and create an App of type Business
Click on Add Product and select WhatsApp
Go to Getting started and copy your Temporary access token and your Phone number ID to Server/server.js (you can also get a permanet token)
Go to Configuration and edit your Callback URL, add your server URL (https://???.eu.ngrok.io/webhook) and set your Verify token from Server/server.js