ExpressChain - NodeJs - Http - Implementation of basic Blockchain

Expresschain is basic implentation of Blockchain in NodeJs for people who are struggling hard to understand What Blockchain is basically.

This Repository is inspired by this articly on hackernoon -

###Running it ?

$ git clone
$ cd blockchain-basic-example-nodeJs
$ npm install
$ npm start

By default port no. is 3000. So you should see server running at http://localhost:3000/


  • /blockchain/transaction/new [POST] - Add a new transaction
  • /blockchain/mine [GET] - Mine a new Block
  • /blockchain/chain [GET] - Get Full chain
  • /blockchain/nodes/register [POST] - Register a new node in the blockchain network
  • /blockchain/nodes/resolve [GET] - Resolve Conflict among nodes in the network


You can refer to the original article posted on hackernoon -

Future Plans

Adding Database Support