
This is a central location to find my career credentials, in various formats


This is a central location to find my career credentials and work samples, in various formats.

This repo is under active construction; please email me for information about my work history beyond what is here already.

PDF Resume

Click here to jump to my latest general-purpose PDF resume.

Who am I?

I am an extremely passionate engineer/scientist/linguist/nerd who works in the area of NLP. I got into this work because I delight in learning about, manipulating, and describing the structure, form, and meaning of natural languages and other symbolic systems.

Special Career Interests

  • Legacy system analysis and opportunistic refactoring especially in complex enterprise AI systems
  • Human factors analysis and risk management for data products
  • Documentation generation
  • Novel feature development
  • Collaboration with stakeholders at all levels
  • International team and project engineering coordination

What are my strengths?

  • Finding problems AND problem sources in code
  • Speaking to non-technical audiences
  • Collaborations
  • Asking the right questions
  • Developing standards
  • Documentation
  • Tech evangelism
  • I tend to prefer to build towards tools rather than one-offs

How about weaknesses?

  • When I get excited about a project I live life on -v
  • Code hoarding; idea hoarding--my office looks like a paper bomb went off
  • I tend to prefer to build towards tools rather than one-offs

Writing Samples

Review of the 2013 state-of-the-art and state-of-the-industry architectures and ML methods for data-driven waveform generation in Text to Speech systems

Click here to view and Download

Open Source and Community Projects

Nahuatl Language Dictionary Project || University of Oregon Wired Humanities

A digital dictionary with searchable information about the Nahuatl Language.

I designed, wrote, and implemented a tool to automatically generate orthographic and IPA phonological variants based on text analysis and phonotactic constraints.

Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal || University of Oregon

An open-access double-blind peer-reviewed journal of undergraduate research at the University of Oregon.

I served on the founding Editorial Board from 2011-2012. I managed and established standards and processes for web tools, collaboration technology, and I wrote documentation and policies, and provided tech support for author management, layout, and survey data collection analysis.

Affiliations and Communities

Talks, Conferences, and Publications


Meetups and Pop-Science

  • 2013 || eu:sci Magazine
  • August 2013 || “Text-to-Speech Synthesis: What is it, what can we do with it, and where is it going?” Presentation and demonstration of the findings of my Master's thesis work to a general audience at the Edinburgh TechMeetup.

Looking to work together?

For recruiter or other inquiries please email me at this link.