EM Algorithm for Fish Length Data with Some Unknown Age Groups

See the report.pdf for extensive explanation of the project.

## Description of files

  1. simulation_testing.R - R file to simulate sample from Gaussian Mixture and test the data on fishEM() function
  2. report.pdf - pdf file of the report
  3. design.pdf - pdf file of the pseudo-code for fishEM() function
  4. report.pdf - pdf report file on the fishEM() function
  5. fishEM.r - the function fishEM() r file
  6. output_test_fishEM.R - function to test the output of the fishEM() function
  7. EM_flowchart.pdf - pdf of EM Algorithm flowchart
  8. FishLengths.RData - dataframe of fish lengths and some missing age variables
  9. initialisation.R - r file of initialise() for EM Algorithm
  10. initialisation_test.R - r file to test initialise() function
  11. report.Rmd - R Markdown file for the fishEM() report