- Current working directory
- List directory contents
- Change directory
- List directory contents in long format
- List directory contents in long format including hidden files
- List directory contents in long format including hidden files and user and IDs numerically
- Make a directory
- Move a file
- Delete a file
- Delete a directory
- Change directory to the previous one
- List all files in current, parent and /boot directory in long format
- Delete a directory
- Print type of file called iamafile
- Create a symbolic link
- Copy all html file to parent directory
- Move files that start with uppercase letter
- Remove files that end with ~
- Create multiple directories inside one another
- lists all the files and directories in the current directory separated by commas
- Change user ID
- Print user ID of current user
- Print all groups current user is part of
- Change owner of file
- Create an empty file
- Adds execute permission to the owner of the file
- Adds execute permission to the owner and the group owner and read permission to other users
- Adds execute permission to the owner, the group owner and other users
- Permissions: owner - NONE, group - NONE, other users - ALL
- Permissions: -rwxr-x-wx
- Set the mode of the file hello the same as olleh
- Set execute permision to all subdirectories of the current directory for owner group owner and aother users
- Create directory with permissions 751
- Change group owner
- Change owner and group owner for all files and directories in working directory
- Change owner and group owner of a file
- Change the owner of the file only if owned by "guillaume"
- Script that will play the StarWars IV episode in the termial
- Create a man page
- Print "Hello, World"
- Print confused smiley: "(Ôo)'
- Print contents of a file
- Print contents of two files
- Print the last ten lines
- Print the first ten lines
- Print the third line of a file
- Create a file with a complicated file name
- Write into a file result of ls -la
- Duplicates the last line of a file
- Deletes all the regular files with a .js extension in present and subfolders
- Count the number of directories and sub-directories including hidden ones
- Print the 10 newest files in the current directory
- Takes a list of words as input and prints only words that appear once
- Print lines containing the pattern "root"
- Print the number of lines that contain the pattern "bin" in a file
- Print lines containing the pattern "root" and 3 lines after them in the file
- Print all the lines in the file that do not contain the pattern "bin"
- Print all lines of the file starting with a letter
- Replace letters A and c to Z and e
- Removes all letters c and C
- Reverse input
- Print all users and their home directories, sorted by users
- Parse through TSV file and print the 11 hosts or IP addresses with the most requests
- Create alias with name ls with value rm *
- Prints hello (current Linux user)
- Add /action to the PATH
- Count number of directories
- List environment variables
- Creates a new local variable
- Create a new global variable
- Print the result of the addition of 128 with the value stored in a environment variable
- Print the result of two environment variables divided
- Print the result of one environment variable to the power of the other
- Converts a number from base 2 to base 10
- Creates all possible combinations of two letters, except oo
- Prints a number with two decimal places
- Converts a number from base 10 to base 16
- Encodes and decodes text using the rot13 encryption