Notes and info about getting started with Go.
- Installing Go for your environment
- Understanding the GOPATH environment variable
- Setting up and verifying your workspace
- Some common Go commands that you should know
- Installing some common tools
- Create your first program
- Create the first test for your program
- Reading documentation
- IDEs and Editor Plugins for Go
- Optional Homework: A Tour of Go
- Exported Names
- Variables and infferred types
- Functions and return values
- Variables and infferred types
- The defer keyword
- Structs
- encoding (json)
- Create your first REST API server
- Write an integration test for the web server
- Maps
- Slices
- Adding some new endpoints
- Creating a cli to interact with our server
- More on structs
- method recievers
- Pointers recievers vs Value recievers
- Interfaces
- errors
- A little more on structs
- embedding (object composition)
- Dependencies
- vendoring
- using a dependency manger (glide)
- Teaser for Concurrency
- Concurrency
- go routines
- chanels
- select
- locks
- wait groups