
Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains to necessary tools to record Kinect v2 data (color, depth, IR, skeleton) and post-process to extract the skeleton. Kinect does not provide finger skeleton data per se. Mediapipe Hands framework is employed to extract the finger level tracking. Body and hand skeletons are registered in the post-processing phase. This repository is still under development. Any contributions are more than welcome!

For raw Kinect data recording:

  • Use Kinect Studio or the following shell command for recording the .xef file (raw Kinect file format):

KSUtil.exe /record "C:\\Users\\RSL\\Desktop\\tryxef.xef" 2 "/stream color depth ir body 1> camlog2.txt 2>&1"

For RGB Kinect data recording:

Get ffmpeg at [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IoRfP8M8woUCttDEOQ8UfE8a0MnPfKNm/view?usp=sharing]

  • Shell command for recording .mp4:

C:\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -rtbufsize 2048M -i video="Kinect V2 Video Sensor" -t 2 "C:\\Users\\emrek\\Desktop\\try.mp4" -y

  • IR and Depth frames are extracted using this repo.