
A Sample To Do List App using Objective c

Primary LanguageObjective-C


A Sample To Do List App using Objective c ###Features -

  • Read Sample to do list from txt file, located app main bundle
  • Add Or Modify exiting ToDoItem
  • Mark an Item as Complete. Can be remove only from All List
  • Main View divide into four
    • All - all todolist items , sorted by priority based : HIGH -> NONE
    • Pending - All Pending Item
    • Complete - All Complete Mark ITem
    • Category - All List / Category exist. Can not modify [Now!]
  • Sample Dialog for Aboout page about _App
  • Sample Tutorial Page containing 5 pages
  • Menu page - Home , FAQ, and About
  • Save data into phone document directory with XML format and read from it
  • Presistent Database using XML

Third Party Source Code

I used third party source XSWI to write nsobject into xml . However , to parse xml i used native framework.